Family Sponsorship in Ontario and Toronto

Canadian Entry and Immigration

Canada is a paradise when it comes to permanent settlement and immigration. The country has very tourist friendly norms when it comes to intake of immigrants. It welcomes every other citizen with open arms. To enter the Canadian border, basically there are 2 ways namely single-entry visas and multiple entry visas. The former permit foreign candidates to enter the country only once, but for latter you will have the privilege to enter the country borders as many times as you want. There is no restriction in entry and exit from the country with the multiple entry visas. Although the entire documentation process of immigration is quite simple and friendly, the government strictly abide by the rules and regulations before allowing a person to enter the country.

Family Sponsorship in Canada

Be it Canada or Family Sponsorship in Ontario, you can sponsor a family member or a relative or a friend to the country if you are 18 years or old or more. Apart from this age rule, you yourself must be a citizen of Canada or someone registered in Canada as an Indian under Indian Act of the country or you need to be a permanent citizen of the country. If you wish to sponsor a candidate, then you must be able to support them financially until and unless they are independent themselves. This should be done independently without ant financial assistance from the government. For different categories of sponsored, the rules and eligibilities must be different. Each application should be well documented along with a processing fee. The processing time will also vary as per the sponsored or dependent person. All the biometrics, medical and police verification must be cleared before getting your application approved by the immigration officer.

PNP program in Canada

Provisional Nominee Program or PNP Applications in Ontario is one of the ideal ways of entering the borders of the country if you are a skilled labour. You must possess appropriate skills and experience to contribute to the country’s economy and this will in a way will help you become a permanent resident of Canada. You can apply for PNP applications using non express entry program or via express entry. In either case, you need to fulfil certain eligibility norms and submit all the required documents. The eligibility criteria, requirement and other criteria must be specific to a specific region or province, hence the same must be carefully analysed before applying for the same.

Canadian open permit

An Open Work Permits in Toronto is a work permit that is not specific to a particular job. For the same, you do not require a LMIA from employment and social development Canada. To be eligible for an open work permit, you can be an international student who no longer can afford the education. The time taken for application processing will depend on the type of application submitted. The work permit may include details of the kind of work you can do, the kind of employer you can work for, where and which organisation you can work, and as to how long you can work with the permit.


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